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the bonki webring!

so yeah, i have decided to make my own webring! webrings were really cool for me so yeah, i made one myself! (with the help of onionring.js!)

if you are intrested, this is how it looks!

how to join?

1. put the widget on your website

2. sign up using the form

3. that's it!

also make sure to close the alert popup when you send your submission, idk why but it doesnt send if you dont close the alert.

fields marked with an * are required

if you want to add the widget, simply add this code:

<div id="bonki-ring">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://bonkiscoolsite.neocities.org/bonkiring/bonkiring-widget.js"></script>

the webring div is not centered by default. if you want to center it, add this to your websites css!

.bonkiringdiv { margin: auto; }

people who joined:

name website
bonki https://bonkiscoolsite.neocities.org
mf dook https://mfdook.neocities.org
foreverliketh https://foreverliketh.is/
keksware https://keksware.neocities.org/
ttt6457 https://ttt6457.neocities.org/
fin600 https://fin600.neocities.org/
Rigor Mortis https://rigor-mortis.neocities.org/
The Cozy Cat https://thecozy.cat/
Biyori https://byori.neocities.org/
Constantine https://shenaniganery.neocities.org/
milla https://crashtestdummy.neocities.org/
strix https://mormoroi.com/
brisray https://brisray.com/
MILKYP https://milkyway.moe/
Sir. Epiclyness The 3rd. https://epic1.neocities.org/
yummyicecream https://oerrorpage.neocities.org/
sketch https://stupidsketchbook.neocities.org/
alina https://coffinsleeper.neocities.org/
Kumiko Yagami aka chibica https://pinkribbonsite.neocities.org/
acetrainermeg https://acetrainermeg.neocities.org/
rmf https://baccyflap.com/
Abby! https://abbys-notebook.neocities.org/
evil benny site https://lopster.neocities.org/
Ellie https://antiquespider.neocities.org/
Jordan https://kepler-16b.neocities.org/
shinto https://theabsoluterealm.com/
scotti https://scottisite.neocities.org/
goddesstex https://goddesstex.neocities.org/
Tori https://toriii.neocities.org/
lina https://amalinalai.github.io/precipice
gradient mna https://gradientos.neocities.org/
Windigone https://windigone.nekoweb.org/
AdrianoTech https://adrianotechwebsite.web.app/
dxrk81 https://dd2476ste1.7m.pl/
Mark https://graphixbox.neocities.org/
thomasm1248 https://thomasm1248.github.io/
S David Prince https://sdavidprince.space/
BoxProphet https://boxprophet.neocities.org/
Drew https://insqueeration.neocities.org/
John https://johngriffin.neocities.org/
Loach https://loach.neocities.org/
Buster Biggins https://buster.nekoweb.org/
floppa king https://www.floppa.cloud/
That Guy Frankenstein!!! https://thatguyfrankenstein.neocities.org/
hemanfromheman https://hemanfromheman.neocities.org/
Neptune_Nebula https://themusicisoutside.neocities.org/
lameBrain https://lamebrain.neocities.org/
venr0s https://kyurems-webroom.neocities.org/
Edge https://edgyrabbid.neocities.org/
beau https://beaus-silly-folder.nekoweb.org/
Sipnayanon https://agham.neocities.org/
stickman https://stickmanishere.neocities.org/
p6nj https://fish.golf/
Oizys https://oizyswrites.blogspot.com/
Jay https://jaysplace.neocities.org/
Laser Boy Studios https://laserboy.neocities.org/
Nova https://pastel-skies.nekoweb.org/
Mustard https://mustardgrass.neocities.org/
dook was sad there was a lack of shasta lemon lime, so uhhh here you go i guess. keksware keksware 2 dook 2 banang - dook