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bonki's amazing xbox360 shrine

i love this console. i love everything about it. my favorite part about the xbox360 is its ui and sounds. like the first ui (blades dashboard) was full of personality

this dashboard makes you feel like you have a swiss army knife of consoles. i like this one because of the XBOX LIVE button (idk why i like that specific button but anyways) the next dashboard is the NXE dashboard, which is my favorite.

now, sure, it may not have as much charm as the blades one, but i really like the ui sounds of this one. they are really satisfying for me. here, take a listen to some of them


its like clicking fun buttons that make fun sounds! anyways, the next one is the metro dashboard

this one has very little charm. it just reminds me of the windows 8 start menu and xbox one ui. i dont have any comments on this one

have some xbox360 images