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half-life shrine

half-life is a game released November 19, 1998. it is one of the most revolutionary games franchises of all time, as it changed the FPS genre 2 times.

half-life runs on the Goldsrc game engine, which is based off of the Quake engine. Quake supported 3d models, but it was like doom which made it not use its features to there fullest potential

half-life changed that. you could look in any direction, the ui was simple, guns were 3d and everything was just great. this is why half-life won so many game awards and why people love it.

an iconic weapon of half-life and all games altogether is the crowbar. its the first weapon in the game you get.

(half-life 1 crowbar model)

anyways, in 2004 valve made half-life 2 which was one of the greatest games ever (again). the graphics were amazing for 2004 and the new Source engine the game ran on had amazing physics.

the physics today arent that impressive compared to today's, but its just that games today dont use their physics potential. half-life 1 and 2 still stand up today even after so many new and better games

(half-life 2 crowbar model. you can see the improvement from hl1 to hl2)

in 2019, nobody expected half-life alyx to release. a vr prequel to half-life 2. the graphics are amazing, physics got another great upgrade. now the game is running on the new Source 2 engine, an upgrade over the first Source

(half-life alyx crowbar model, very detailed)

take this crowbar stolen borrowed from https://half-life.com/en/halflife25 from the very bottom of the page. (click the crowbar!)