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welcome to the AMA!

you can ask me whatever you like! well, maybe not ANYTHING... especially personal questions! i wont answer those.

you can write me an anonymous questions if you dont wanna give your name, and you can also attach an image url.

all the questions get posted to the question wall! so please dont tell me something about you thats private.

also make sure to close the alert popup when you send your question, idk why but it doesnt send if you dont close the alert.

fields marked with an * are required

questions & answers

Ditch asks...

"What did you to get kicked out of the Waffle House in Ft. Lauderdale?"

bonki says...

"i got too silly 💔"

Adam asks...

"Where in the world is the About page? ,':/"

bonki says...

"idk, i never made an about page for my site. now that you mention it, i should prob make one..."

monopoly_gaming asks...

"is gaming epic"

bonki says...

"yes, gaming is in fact epic, monopoly_gaming. i want to say something about the secret project im working on, but i dont think its time yet."

theduck538 asks...

"on a scale of one to ten, what is your favorite color of the alphabet"

bonki says...

"orange h"

kyros asks...

"Is fish trolling epic ?
And is fun allowed ?"

bonki says...

"not sure if i found the right wikipedia page, but fish trolling is cool i guess. and, yes, fun is very much allowed on my site"

Veltrix asks...

"what does "what" mean."

bonki says...

"it is when you confuse"

pal asks...

"hi bonki when did u come up when you did the when the. bye boniekh"

bonki says...

"november 30th 2022 is when i when the"

Hank Hill asks...

"Do I look like I know h'what a Jay-Peg is? I just want a picture of a got-dang hot dawg!"

bonki says...

"i personally dont like jpegs, Hank Hill, so i fully agree with you"

goosy asks...

"is it okay if i keep pressing the increment button a lot every day

bonki says...

"finally, a REAL QUESTION! anyways, yes, its ok to press the increment button a lot every day. just be careful to not overload their servers."

vgiamp10 asks...

"when super hexagon gameplay"

bonki says...

"soonâ„¢ enough (if i remember too, lol)"

balık asks...

"hi! I'm really new to neocities, just found out about it from a yt vid. I wasn't even born in the old internet era, so all of this is really cool and fascinating to me! Although, indie web has an entirely different culture, with their own terms, traditions and etiquette. So, it's a little confusing...
                    Where do I start getting into neocities? Where did you start? What stuff do I HAVE to know to actually start using neocities?
                    btw ur site is awseom sauce I had a lot of fun exploring it. have this pic "

bonki says...

"welcome to neocities! theres a LOT of stuff to explorer here. anyways, the way i got started, is just by trying things out! at first, i tried to imitate early 90's websites (thats why i have so many buttons), but then it evovled into my own, personal site! also, you dont have to know a lot of stuff to start out! just some simple html and css tutorials will get you on your merry way. have fun making sites!"

Anonymous asks...

"how did you start your journey in neocities?"

bonki says...

"this is a question simillar to the last one, but i started neocities because i found some cool sites that looked from the early 2000's! and i was like 'omg i have to make one myself now' and thats how i got here today."

son asks...

"papa i hunger"

bonki says...

"son??? since when do i have a son??? hello??? why is my son hungry??? help??"

Anonymous asks...


bonki says...

"blåhaj? blåhaj."

nut boy asks...

"do you want the nut

                    Sincerely, Nut Boy"

bonki says...

"uhm, uh, i think ill pass.. sorry"

nut boy asks...

"surely, you are not rejecting... the nut?

                    Sincerely, Nut Boy"

bonki says...

"uhm, if it saves me from danger, i guess im NOT rejecting the nut???"